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2024 British Thyroid Annual Meeting 14th June

Our next Annual Meeting will take place on  Friday 14th June 2024 at the Royal College of Pathologists in London.


This is a face to face meeting and we have an exciting programme (see below) We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the meeting. 


If you are not a member of the BTA and wish to become a member please go to this page 


Call for Abstracts:

Abstract submission is now closed, the deadline for this was Monday 1st April 2024.


 All accepted abstracts will be published in Thyroid Research  



You can find details of our Programme here 




Registration fees: BTA members £120, Non-members £200, Nurses, trainees and retired BTA members £50


Please click here to register. 


The Deadline registration is on Friday 31th May 2024


  • BTA Trainee Meeting 2024

2024 British Thyroid Association Trainee Educational Meeting


Our last BTA trainees’ educational meeting took place on  Friday 8th March 2024 



Recordings of selected lectures are available below for a limited time via the Vimeo links below - so please make time to view! Simply click on the title.


Prof Mark Gurnell - University of Cambridge -  How to approach discordant thyroid function tests? 


Dr Jackie Gilbert - Kings College Hospital - The management of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy 


Mr Neil Sharma - University Hospitals, Birmingham - Follow-up of low-risk thyroid cancer






  • Thyroid events for your calendar

Other 2024/2025 events

Thyroid related events in 2024 /2025 will be added here as information becomes available 


 European Thyroid Association

The 46th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association will be held in Athens from September 7th to 10th 2024 Details can be found here 

The BTA is funding 2 travel grants (each £750) for trainee or nurse members to present at this meeting of the European Thyroid Association. 

To apply, please email to: [email protected] (deadline for application: 31st May 2024). Please attached your accepted abstracts with your application. If there are more than 2 applications, the BTA Ex-Com will select the two best abstracts.


The American Thyroid Association

The 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Thyroid Association (ATA) will take place in Chicago from 30th October to 3rd November 2024. Details can be found here


Access to 2024 events that have already taken place


European Congress of Endocrinology

ECE 2024 took place in Stockholm, Sweden from 11-14 May 2024. Please click here to watch video highlights, read blog posts from Speakers or catch up with content on demand 


Events in 2025


The World Congress on Thyroid Cancer will take place in Boston from July 9-12 2025 Further information can be found here


ENDO 2025 will take place from July 12-15, in San Francisco, California 




  • Diagnosis and treatment hypothyroidism

GP Training Webinar 1st May 2024

Our most recent GP Training Webinar - Jointly organised by the BTA and BTF -  took place on1 May 2024  


This was on the subject of the diagnosis and management of hyperthyroidism with Speakers  Prof Onyebuchi Okosieme, consultant endocrinologist, Cardiff and Dr Fraser Gibb, consultant endocrinologist, Edinburgh


A video on the subject will be added to this website shortly.


The previous GP Training Webinar took place on September 20th from 19.00 to 20.00. 

You can watch the webinar video on You Tube here

  • BTF 2023 Research Award

British Thyroid Foundation Award

Since 1997 the British Thyroid Foundation (BTF) has offered an annual award to support a research project into thyroid function or thyroid disorders. This is currently £35,000 for a three year project.


Details of previous winners can be found here


The closing date for  applications each year is normally at the beginning of July 


The link to access the application form for this Award will be added when available 


The award can be used to supplement existing projects or to help get research ideas started. The funds are available for consumables, running costs and equipment but not personal computers. Any equipment purchased will belong to your institution after the project is completed. Support for staff costs/salaries will only be considered if they can be justified.


The BTF is a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) non-commercial Partner. This means the studies that we fund may be eligible to access the NIHR Study Support Service which is provided by the NIHR Clinical Research Network.


 Who can apply?

Researchers working on projects in the UK. The project must be based in the UK (i.e. the majority of the work must be carried out in the UK), supervised in the UK and publications arising from the research must be in an English language journal from a UK centre. The BTF must be acknowledged in any publication. The applicant must ensure that appropriate ethical approval is in place wherever research is carried out.